On the 20th of May the Danish Jazz council has arranged three pre-SPOT Festival-concerts - two of which are with Your Favourite Jazz-artists "BodaBoda Duo" and "Cordelia". Mark your calendar for a night of great Jazz-n-Beyond...http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=114293735277288&ref=mf
Time passes by so quickly, but allow us to just sum up some of the recent great releases on Your Favourite Records and Your Favourite Jazz. Jens Jepsen's debut "Walking between the sun and the Atmosphere" (yfrcd 006) was released in the beginning of April and kicked off by a great release-concert in Copenhagen. First reviews are already out there...Per Løkkegaards "Petrus Kapell"-project sent out their country-jazzy-dusty debut "A Call For Silence" (yfjcd 015) mid-april and has already received great reviews at a.o. AllAboutJazz and Jazznyt-blog
Your Favourite Jazz will be present at JazzAhead in Bremen from April 22nd-25th. Feel free to stop by Jazz Denmark's booth and say hi...!
Danish music-mag Gaffa published this great review of Lars Winthers "Big Band" yesterday: http://gaffa.dk/anmeldelse/38316 (Danish only)
Danish music-mag Gaffa has reviewed Soeren Bebe Trios album, and they like what they hear; according to them "From Out Here" has the potential to become one of 2010's best Danish jazz-releases... Read the review (Danish) here: http://gaffa.dk/anmeldelse/37796
Lars Winthers new album "Big Band" has gotten its first review; read what jazzblogger Niels Overgaard thinks about it here: http://jazznyt.blogspot.com/2010/03/evne-til-at-opsuge-og-omstte-lars.html
Read Jakob Baekgaards review of Soren Bebe Trio's From Out Here on international jazz-mekka-web-site AllAboutJazz - right here: http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=35398
If you're a member of Danish newspaper Politikens "PLUS"-club you can right now purchase Rasmus Ehlers' album Trinity at a favorable price: http://plus.politiken.dk/MUSIK/Jazz/Trinity(4452).aspx