Jazznyt.blogspot.com's Niels Overgaard likes Rasmus Ehlers' new album, Trinity - and he likes it alot! Enough for you to want to pick it up right away...! http://jazznyt.blogspot.com/2009/11/strittende-og-prcis-rasmus-ehlers.html
Lars Winther is the new chairman for DUP, the organization for the Danish Independent Record Labels. Read more about DUP and read the press-release at www.dup.nu
This fall, Danish Jazzblogger Niels Overgaard is announcing 20 new posts on his "Jazz of the decade" list - and this week, the focus was on vocal-tracks. We're proud to point out that on the list you'll find Aggerbaek's "Sct. Peters Blues" from My Oh My - congratulations to Aggerbaek!http://jazznyt.blogspot.com/2009/11/jazznyt-200-nr_09.html
Benjamin Aggerbaek has wrote a guest-blog on Danish music-community BandBase.dk about gigging in New York as a travelling musician - check it out here (Danish only): http://www.bandbase.dk/News/40714/Gaesteblog-Beginners-guide-til-gigs-i-New-York/
Aggerbaeks "My Oh My" has gotten the first, of hopefully many, great review by Danish jazz-blogger Niels Overgaard. Read it here (danish only): http://jazznyt.blogspot.com/2009/10/stor-oh-stor-aggerbk-my-oh-my-your.html
Today is the day we release Aggerbæk's 2nd album "My Oh My". Be sure to get your copy at your local dealer or on your favourite download-site... here are some suggestions:http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=331473809&s=143458http://aggerbaek.bandcamp.com/http://www.emusic.com/album/Aggerbæk-Kvintet-My-Oh-My-MP3-Download/11645332.htmlStay tuned for more news!
Very positive review of At the Pink Pony by jazz-critic Peter H. Larsen in Information - check it out on their website here: http://www.information.dk/204814 (danish only)
Cordelia's "At the Pink Pony" is rewieved in danish music-mag Gaffa(.dk). Read it here (Danish only):http://gaffa.dk/anmeldelse/34372
Cordelia's "At the Pink Pony" has been reviewed in Danish paper Berlingske Tidende - at a satisfying 4/6 stars... if your Danish is strong, read it here: http://bit.ly/QEA89